Slag Cement

Our highest performing cement.

​Greater Strength and Durability for Your Most Challenging Projects

Slag cement is produced by finely grinding granulated blast furnace slag, a glassy by-product of iron production, and blending it with Portland cement to create a product that has a number of advantages over mixes containing 100% Portland cement.

​​Environmental and LEEDS Benefits

In addition to it’s high strength and durability, slag cement is an environmentally “green” product. In providing a beneficial use of an industrial by-product, it reduces the energy required to produce concrete while at the same time improving the quality of the concrete for a more durable, longer lasting product. Slag cement can also be used to help achieve LEED points.

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St Marys CemPlus
A stronger, more durable solution for your most challenging projects.

St Marys CemPlus is produced by finely grinding granulated blast furnace slag, a glassy by-product of iron production that has cementitious properties similar to Portland cement. The result is a product that, when blended with Portland cement in various combinations, offers significant advantages over mixes containing 100% Portland cement.


Supplementary Cementitious Material


St Marys CemPlus conforms to CSA A3001 and OPSS 1350.

Brochures & Data Sheets

United States

A stronger, more durable solution for your most challenging projects.

St Marys CemPlus is produced by finely grinding granulated blast furnace slag, a glassy by-product of iron production that has cementitious properties similar to Portland cement. The result is a product that, when blended with Portland cement in various combinations, offers significant advantages over mixes containing 100% Portland cement.


Supplementary Cementitious Material


St Marys CemPlus conforms to ASTM C989 Grade 100